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Temple Brith Achim 

Brit Kehilla


Our Temple Brith Achim (TBA) family is a dynamic Reform Jewish congregation. We are a welcoming friendly home where Jews and their families inspire each other to express our Jewish identity and connect with one another, our community and with God.

As a member of the TBA family, we enter into a sacred partnership, a Brit (covenant), in which we each have mutual and reciprocal opportunities and expectations. By honoring this sacred partnership, each member of the TBA family makes it possible for us to connect with, encourage, and nurture each other.

The leadership of TBA, including the Board of Trustees, Management Team, Service Team Leaders, Rabbi, Director of Lifelong Jewish Learning, and staff, through creation and oversight of learning opportunities, programs, activities, initiatives and worship experiences, strives to:

  • Teach, instill and encourage Jewish values among our members and our community.
  • Build connections and partnerships among members and with our community and our world.
  • Advance spirituality through worship, prayer and Torah,

And be a place where each member is valued and supported.

At the same time, each member of TBA strives to:

  • Explore and experience the many aspects of TBA life.
  • Find meaningful ways for family members to get actively involved in and personally connect with the congregation and Judaism.
  • Get to know the clergy, staff, lay leadership and other members of the congregation.
  • Be open to new experiences.
  • Share our special talents with the congregation.
  • Share concerns and suggestions with TBA leadership.
  • Pledge and fulfill, to the best of our ability, our Gift of the Heart and Annual Campaign commitment to assure TBA meets its current financial obligations.
  • Pledge and fulfill, to the best of our ability, our Gift of the Hand commitment to assure TBA benefits from the skills and abilities of its members.

Through our collective and individual journeys, we seek the benefits of an extended family: a place where we can find comfort and support for each other in times of trouble, courage and hope in times of doubt or difficulty, and happiness in times of joy and celebration. We all want our congregation to be a place where adults and children alike, have the opportunity to pray, learn, and connect together.

It is in this spirit that TBA, through its mission of Torah (Teach), Brit (Build Connections) and Avodah (Advance Spirituality), asks you to endorse this sacred partnership through your involvement in and active support of the TBA community.

The following list is a small sampling of the myriad ways we can be actively involved in the TBA community. By investing in our congregation, we will cultivate friendships, increase our personal connections to Judaism and our TBA family, and strengthen our community for future generations.


  • Make the study of Torah a part of your life
  • Participate in Adult Education programs
  • Share in your child's religious education and reinforce it at home
  • Use TBA resources to support lifelong learning
  • Discuss Jewish values with your family, be aware of the ways in which they are reflected in your daily life and model for others the value of learning


  • Help to make our synagogue a caring community by reaching out to others: visiting the sick; comforting the mourner; welcoming the stranger
  • Participate in TBA events and activities
  • Support the work of the Sisterhood, Men’s Club and Youth auxiliaries
  • Join a TBA committee
  • Attend Congregational Meetings
  • Volunteer for special projects and/or tasks (e.g., facility maintenance work, office administrative work, being a greeter during a TBA event, etc.)
  • Be knowledgeable about TBA by reading the Newsletter and visiting
  • Actively support "Tikkun Olam," repairing the world, by participating in TBA initiatives and contributing tzedakah to TBA funds and other organizations of your choosing
  • Support the work of the larger Jewish community and advocate for Jewish causes in the US and abroad
  • Advocate for the State of Israel by staying informed and actively supporting Israeli causes

Avodah - Advance Spirituality

  • Consider the role of spirituality in your life
  • Explore ways to enhance and enrich your Shabbat observance
  • Celebrate Holy Days and Festivals
  • Attend worship services
  • Accept the honor of participating on the bima when asked
  • Learn Hebrew
  • Embrace Jewish customs and ceremonies
  • Translate words of prayer into deeds of justice, thereby making a difference in our community and our world
Sun, February 9 2025 11 Sh'vat 5785