TBA Committees
Our Tree of Teams and Committees
Adult Education
Contact: Rhonda Hager || adulted@brithachim.org
Adult Education at Temple Brith Achim gives us the opportunity to continue our learning and to share our knowledge with fellow congregants.
What are you interested in learning or sharing? Language, History, Crafts, Cooking, Israel, Photography, Scholar-in-Residence?
Caring Community
Contact: Adrienne Kerbel || aakerbel@comcast.net
Caring Community provides tangible and intangible support by fostering a warm, connected, and caring family environment by supporting families during bereavement, illness, and other challenging times. Caring Community also reaches out to congregants to celebrate simchas and other important life events and started a rides program for congregants who need transportation to the temple.
Contact: Jean Kintisch/Cindy Poust || cpoust@brithachim.org
The communications committee gets the word out about events to members of our congregation and the community. As coordinators, liaisons, and communicators, we work with other TBA committees to promote temple activities and events through internal publications, such as newsletters, flyers, weekly e-mail updates, and the TBA website, www.brithachim.org, as well as to external print, web-based and broadcast media throughout the region.
Contact: Peter Walsh || facilitiesmanager@brithachim.org
Has the overall responsibility for all the upkeep and improvements of the entire facility. Its mission is to address the ongoing general maintenance of the building, property and grounds; to ensure that the facility functions efficiently; to provide a clean, safe, attractive, and operationally sound environment and to continually develop the facility through project renovations that support the growing mission of the Temple.
Contact: Greg Stein || gregghstein@gmail.com
While the Treasurer and Leader of the Financial Services Team have a duty to maintain the books and records of TBA on a day-to-day basis, the Finance Committee provides oversight related to the financial concerns of the Congregation. The Finance Committee sets policy, assists with the annual budget process and handles non-recurring items. Non-recurring items include, but are not limited to, tuition assistance allocations, providing oversight on directed giving items, contract and banking reviews and recommendations to assist the board with financial decisions.
Contact: (acting) Cheryl Carmel || Cheryl.a.carmel@gmail.com
Creating plans for annual events and activities to raise funds for our community. Fundraising consists of many tasks. From overall coordinating activities to simple one-time tasks.
Our annual Bingo is one example. This event draws in people from around our area outside our congregants. Tasks include sending letters or emails to local businesses soliciting donations, searching marketplace sites for free items, determining which items will make a fun basket then using creativity to put the baskets together.
Another good example is Purim Carnival. Setting up and running games for our children.
Gift Shop
Contact: Sharon Weinberg || TBAgiftshop@gmail.com
Judaica for Special Occasions and Everyday
TBA Sisterhood welcomes congregants and the community to visit our beautiful Gift Shop.
This is the place to shop for all of your Judaica and gift giving needs. Featuring the largest selection of Tallitot in King of Prussia, we also have beautiful mezzuzot, candlesticks, havdalah sets, kiddush cups, Seder plates, candles, jewelry, children's games and toys and so much more.
Have a birthday, wedding or Bar/Bat Mitzvah coming up - we have gifts for all occasions.
Open Sundays when school is in session from 8:45 am to 12:00 pm or by appointment. Please come and visit us. Cash and checks accepted.
Contact: Josh Saragovi || membership@brithachim.org
Serves a three-fold purpose: welcome prospective members to TBA's community; integrate new members into our TBA family; and to create meaningful connections between current members. The Committee hosts events to welcome and introduce prospective members to TBA. For existing members, the Membership Committee hosts events and provides resources to connect members within the community to one another.
Safety and Security
Contact: Steve Kantrowitz || skantro@aol.com
Being knowledgeable on how to respond to emergencies in our facility. Ensuring plans for events such as medical emergencies, fire, active shooter are updated and participate in exercising the plans. Coordinating with local law enforcement for Police Detail coverage.
School Team
Contact: Marc Shatzman || marc.shatzman@gmail.com
Work to ensure that our children’s education is enhanced by field trips, model seders, holiday celebrations, Shabbat dinners, family education programs and special events. In addition, fundraising to provide the school with technology, equipment and resources that we would otherwise need to do without. The success of our religious school is dependent upon this help and the spirit of partnership between school and parents.
Social Action
Contact: Cathy Koffs || cathyk435@comcast.net
We engage in Tikkun Olam healing and repairing the world. It is our mission to facilitate and to encourage the congregation, individually and collectively, to translate this commitment into action by: providing opportunities for community service, raising awareness and educating our congregation and community about issues of concern and motivating congregants to advocate for social justice, building partnerships with external organizations that share our goals, supporting and encouraging social action activities initiated and/or sponsored by other groups within the congregation, and providing the congregation with information about social action activities and opportunities throughout the community.
Technology and A/V
Contact: (acting) Cheryl Carmel || Cheryl.a.carmel@gmail.com
Ensure sound is available during worship services, religious school and events by turning on and checking the sound system that is available in the sanctuary and in the social hall.
Managing Zoom for services and events. Assisting with computer and WIFI questions.
Contact: Lori Reichner || phillieslori@gmail.com
Serves as the "spiritual pulse of TBA." Along with the Rabbi, we help define and implement the worship experience and ritual policies of the congregation and partner with all other committees and auxiliaries to balance the spiritual life and engage others. Promoting religious practices is aimed not only to inspire our congregants to a deeper observance but also to transfer these practices into our homes to enhance the values of Jewish living. They help plan events like Shabbat in the Park and prepare the Temple for the High Holiday season as well as our other holidays and celebrations.
Youth Group
Contact: Laura Serinsky || lauraserinsky@gmail.com and Nikki Rifkin || nheisman@yahoo.com
BRATY (Brith Achim Temple Youth) is TBA’s youth group and is organized into two groups: 5th – 7th grade and 8th – 12th grade. Regular meetings take place to schedule activities and programming, and include both informal and formal events, and social-, educational, and service-oriented activities. Youth group participants have the opportunity to get involved in URJ/NFTY and BBYO activities. Non-members of TBA are welcome to be part of BRATY.