Membership Information
High Holidays at Temple Brith Achim
At Temple Brith Achim, we joyously worship together as we welcome in the New Year. We chat with old and new friends and open our doors to the Jewish Community. Admission is included with TBA membership. Admission for extended family members is available. For members of the wider Jewish community, admission cards are available and the cost may be applied to membership if you decide to join our temple family. This year, there is a special opportunity for you if you have never worshipped with us at the High Holidays before. You will receive High Holiday admission cards at no cost after you have met with Rabbi Lazar for an informal 30 minute discussion.
For further information on High Holiday admission, or to schedule your meeting with Rabbi Lazar, please contact the office at 610-337-2222.
The schedule of High Holiday services is listed on our Worship page.