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FAQs About Us

Updated 4/2/24


How many member families do you have?
We currently have just over 171 families.

Do you have members from my neighborhood?
We have members representing 38 zip codes in 6 sectional centers. The most populated zip codes for our membership as of January 2024 are:

19087 19406 19312
19460 19426 19403 


What are the dues?
Instead of a standard dues structure, we have an annual membership commitment. This is a very flexible format that places emphasis on both gifts of the heart (money) and gifts of the hand (volunteering). Our Treasurer would be very happy to discuss any concerns if they arise.

Do you have special rates for seniors, singles and under 30?

We have specific rates those under 30 that apply to married and unmarried, with or without children. Seniors and over 30 singles fall under the regular annual membership commitment. However, our new Gift of the Heart program makes membership very accessible for all.

Is there a separate Building Fund fee for new members?

Yes. Any concerns regarding membership commitment pledges and fees can be discussed in confidence with our Treasurer.

Does TBA accept members regardless of their financial situation?
Yes, we do. It has always been our policy to welcome members regardless of their financial circumstances. Members or potential members who would like to discuss their membership commitment can call the Temple office and we will have our Treasurer contact you, in confidence.


Do you require tickets for the High Holy Days?
Admission for services is included in membership. Admission Cards are mailed to members after they have filled in the Gift of the Heart "paperwork".  Guests, such as visiting students, extended family members, and friends, can contact the main office for Admission Cards.  Cards are checked at the door, for security purposes.

Can a non-member attend adult High Holy Day services?
Yes, High Holy Day Guest Cards are available for purchase from the Temple office. Non-member area college students may receive a complimentary ticket by request.

What are the times for your Shabbat services?
Most Friday night services start at 7:30 pm.  The first Friday of most months are our family service which is geared towards children up through 2nd grade. On Saturday mornings, services are at 10:30 am all year long except for Shabbat in the Park which begins at 11 am.
Please check the calendar for any special times or activities.

Do you have special services for children?
The first Friday of almost every month is a family service for school-age children and their families. One Saturday morning a month, we also have a Tot Shabbat service for children ages 5 and under. During the High Holy Days, we offer Children’s Services for young families and junior congregation for our Hebrew school children.


How many families are Interfaith?
About half of our families consider themselves Interfaith and we make a concerted effort to have everyone feel comfortable and included.

What do you do to make Interfaith families feel comfortable here?
We understand that not everyone in our community is Jewish and that not every member reads Hebrew. Our services include a good amount of English and the Hebrew usually includes transliteration and translation. Periodically, we also offer Adult Hebrew and Introduction to Judaism classes for all of our members, including those who may not necessarily be interested in conversion, but are interested in learning more about the Jewish faith, traditions, holidays, etc.

Religious School

How many students are in your religious school?

Around 65.

What grades attend the religious school?
Pre-school through grade 10. This includes the milestone events of Consecration, Bar/Bat Mitzvah, and Confirmation.

How many students are in each class?
While class size varies, most classes have 10-12 students per class.

What are the days/hours for Religious School?
Preschool - Grade 6
Sunday         9:00 – 11:30 AM

Hebrew: Grades 3 – 6
Sunday             12:00 – 1:30 PM

 Confirmation Program

Grades 7-10
Sunday             12:00 – 1:30  PM Is membership required to enroll my child in religious school?

Is membership required to enroll my child in religious school?
Yes, membership at TBA is required to enroll.

Beyond membership, is there an extra fee for religious school tuition?
Yes, as well as charges for books and materials. We are happy to discuss the financials if there are any concerns.

TBA Life

What are some of the committees and activities at TBA?

There’s a wide range of activities and many ways to get involved. Here are just some:

Committee/Activity Member Contact

  • Adult Choir - Steve Hirsch
  • Adult Education  - Rhonda Hager
  • Building and Grounds (Facility) - Pete Walsh
  • Caring Community - Ann Greenstein
  • Communications  - Ginny Simon
  • Lifelong Jewish Learning - Rebecca Harter
  • Membership - Josh Saragovi
  • Men’s Club - Gaylord Conquest
  • PRSO - Dan Krosky
  • Ritual - Kareen Hartwig
  • School Board - Dan Krosky
  • Sisterhood/Women of Reform Judaism - Laurie Miccolis and Marci Rose
  • Sisterhood Gift Shop - Sharon Weinberg & Laurie Miccolis
  • Social Action - Cathy Koffs
  • TBA Band - vacant
  • Tot Shabbat services - vacant

Who are the professionals on your staff?

Professional Staff

  • Rabbi (interim) - Chana Glazer
  • Office Manager/Exec Asst to Rabbi - Cindy Poust
  • Director of Lifelong Jewish Learning - Sharon Forman-Toll
  • Assistants to Director LJL - vacant
  • Financial Administrator - Cheryl Foresto

What are some of your current building plans?
We opened our Early Childhood Learning Center in Fall 2009. Also in Fall 2009, we completed the redesign of the library into a library/lounge area called the TBA Cafe.

Since 2020, We have made numerous upgrades to the building for security and health improvements.

  • We have repurposed our older classrooms as a Youth Lounge.
  • We have upgraded our doors and windows for better security.
  • We have upgraded our entry system so every family has programmable key fobs.
  • We have installed panic buttons and a PA system.
  • We have installed security cameras, inside and out.
  • We have installed bollards near the front door.
  • We have upgraded the HVAC systems and air purifiers in order to keep the air clean of viruses.

What do you like about TBA?
This will vary for every person you ask. We are a warm and welcoming community of diverse members.
We offer a wide range of social events, community service opportunities, prayer and study. 

TBA History

When was the synagogue founded?
We were founded in 1971.

Have you always been at this location?
We met in various places until we moved here in 1982. This is our first permanent home.

When was the new wing completed?
The Powell Center for Lifelong Jewish Learning was completed in November 2008 and we officially "opened" it during a large open house dedication event in January 2009.

Use of the building regarding COVID-1

Shabbat Services.  Shabbat services no longer require masking.  Services will continue to be streamed online for those who wish to take part more comfortably from home. 

Sun, September 15 2024 12 Elul 5784