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Confirmation Program

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		                                    Confirmation Class 2023		                                </span>
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		                                    Confirmation Class 2023		                                </span>
  • 		                                		                                <span class="slider_title">
		                                    Confirmation Class 2023		                                </span>
  • 		                                		                                <span class="slider_title">
		                                    Confirmation Class 2023		                                </span>

Confirmation Program

Students in the seventh through tenth grade attend our Confirmation Program on Sundays.  These classes build upon the foundation laid in the early grades.  In the Confirmation Program, our students address how to apply all that they have learned and explore how to use the information to build a Jewish life for themselves which will have meaning for them as they face the challenges of adulthood.  

With the skillful facilitation of our teachers, students wrestle with their view of God, explore different expressions of Judaism and the role of religion in our lives.  Our students explore the big questions and strive to find answers for themselves.  Group activities and discussions assist students in defining and articulating their values.  Teachers promote discussions on the issues facing teens today as well as ethical and moral issues facing society.  Teachers provide Jewish texts and source material to inform students of the Jewish values, traditions and teachings which can help students use a Jewish lens in their decision making process.

The highlight of this program is the Confirmation year.  In tenth grade, the students study with the Rabbi.  During this year, they cement the bond that has developed among them and build a special relationship with the Rabbi.  During the year, the students attend the L’Takein Seminar presented by the Religious Action Center of the Union for Reform Judaism for four days in Washington D.C..  Students learn about the political issues facing our country and the lobbying process and then actually have the opportunity to lobby our legislators on Capitol Hill on the issues that they choose.  

The year culminates with the students leading the congregation in worship and sharing the synthesis of what they have learned and they affirm their intention to live Jewishly.  Confirmation is a relatively new life cycle celebration emphasizing the importance of continuing one’s formal Jewish education.

In Pirke Avot 5:24, the Ethics of our Fathers, a compilation of our sages’ sayings, Rav Judah ben Tema wrote:
  At five, one should study Scripture;
  At ten, one should study mishnah [the code of Jewish law];
  At thirteen one is ready to do mitzvot; 
  At fifteen one is ready to study Talmud [the commentary on the mishnah];  
  At eighteen, one is ready to get married;
  At twenty, one is responsible for providing for a family;
  At thirty, one is at the peak of one’s powers;
  At age forty, one is at the age of understanding;
  At age fifty, one attains the age of counsel;
  At age eighty, one attains the age of strength.

This statement encapsulates the wisdom that Jewish study is a lifelong pursuit and obligation.  Our Confirmation Program provides the opportunity for our students to continue their studies with their friends and within the nurturing structure of our Religious School.



2023 - 2024


September 2023

24    First Day of School – Shofar Making


October 2023

1      School        

8      School         Should Football be Safer?   Rabbi Glazer

15    School  

22    School        

29    School         Ellis Island Trip


November 2023

5      School

12    School

19    School         Gun Access and Gun Safety  Rabbi Glazer

26    No School   Thanksgiving Weekend


December 2023

3      School         Woodworking – Make Your own Mezuzah

10    School         Consumerism – How much is Too Much? Rabbi Glazer

17    School                            

24    No School   Winter Break

31    No School Winter Break



January 2024

7      School         Experience

14    School

21    School     Substance Abuse and Eating Disorders    Rabbi Glazer

27    School



February 2024

4      School         What Do You Share on-line? Rabbi Glazer  

11    School         RAC

18    No School President’s Day

25    School



March 2024

3      School       Experience

10    School

17    School       LGBTQ+                 Rabbi Glazer

24    No School Spring Break

31    No School Spring Break


April 2024

7      School

14    School       Israel and Anti-Semetism   Rabbi Glazer

21    School

28    School       Experience


May 2024

5      School       Rabbi Glazer Confirmation Prep w/ 10th grade

12    No School Mother’s Day

19    School       Rabbi Glazer Confirmation Prep w/ 10th grade


June 2024

2      Last Day of School  Confirmation Prep w/10th grade


Sun, October 27 2024 25 Tishrei 5785