Mishloah Manot 2025
MISHLOACH MANOT – The “sending of portions” . . . PURIM will be here soon. What a wonderful way to acknowledge the people in our Temple family by including your name on a fun gift bag that every TBA family will receive! Sisterhood does all the work for you. All you need do is provide a list of the people you would like to recognize.
You can do all of this electronically, using the form below. Fill out the information, and enter your credit card or your PayPal information. If paying by check, just note that and mail your check to Temple Brith Achim. Just in case you may have missed someone who thought of you, the “reciprocal option” is available as well (if you have sent to 5 or more families). It is $8 per family on your list or $180 to send to the whole congregation.
Please join with the many others participating in this wonderful program and send in your form soon. This is a wonderful opportunity to acknowledge those people who have made a difference in your life. The deadline is February 8.
Questions? Contact sisterhood@brithachim.org