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Planned Giving

Plan a gift to the TBA Endowment Fund that will support the future existence of our Temple and financially helps you

Depending on the type of gift you plan to give, it can reduce estate taxes, income taxes, reduce or eliminate capital gains taxes. Depending on the type of gift, it can give you income back from the gift or even allow you to enjoy the gift after it is given. 

Gifts, to the TBA Endowment, in any amount greater than $1,000 are accepted. Click here to see more information about gift types and financial benefits to donor. Selected gift types are listed in the table. Please indicate your gift amount and the type of gift you would like to give. 

After submitting, a Board member with financial responsibility will contact you to assist you in the processes.



Donor Benefits / Gift

How does it work?

How do you make the gift?

Reduce estate tax

Reduce income tax

Reduce or eliminate capital gains

Get income back from the gift

Give an asset but keep enjoying it


How does it benefit TBA?


Give cash

Write a check or give on-line now

Removes taxable assets from the estate

Immediate deduction for full value





Delivers immediate benefits


Give appreciated securities

Contribute long-term appreciated stock or other marketable securities

Removes taxable assets from the estate

Immediate deduction for full value

Complete avoidance



Still like the stock? Use your cash to buy at today’s price and lock in a higher cost basis

Delivers immediate benefits


Simplest form of gift planning (plan now, give later)

Name TBA Endowment in your will or living trust by designating a specific amount or a share of the residue

Donation exempt from federal estate tax


Complete avoidance


Control of assets during lifetime

Make a substantial gift when you no longer need the assets

Ensures our future strength

Retirement Plan Assets, IRA

Name TBA Endowment as the beneficiary of the plan

Name TBA Endowment as whole or partial successor beneficiary on your plan’s form

Donation exempt from federal estate and income tax

Your heirs will avoid income tax



Continue to take withdrawals from plan during your lifetime

Often overlooked and easily given

Ensures our future strength

Life Insurance

Give old or new policy with TBA Endowment as beneficiary and owner

Donate a paid-up policy you no longer need or take out a new policy

Donation exempt from federal estate tax

Current income tax deduction for paid-up policy. Future deductions for premium payments on new policy




Simple to set up; small financial commitment for large ultimate gift

Ensures our future strength

Charitable Remainder Trust

Trust that pays income for life or a term of years to donor and/ or others. Assets ultimately benefit TBA

Create a trust that pays income to donor and/or others; principal (remainder) ultimately goes to TBA Endowment

Removes taxable assets from estate

Deduction for gift portion of asset

Partial avoidance

Variable or fixed income for life


Significant income and estate tax advantages

Ensures our future strength

Charitable Lead Trust

Trust that makes payments to TBA Endowment for a period of years. Assets ultimately pass to donor or heirs

Create a trust that pays income to TBA, Endowment principal (remainder) ultimately returns to heirs or donor

Can remove taxable assets from estate




Property reverts to donor, or to heirs with reduced gift and estate taxes

Best for assets expected to appreciate rapidly

Delivers immediate benefits

Confirm with Federal & State tax regulations prior to finalizing your Temple Brith Achim Planned Giving gift. 

Sun, February 9 2025 11 Sh'vat 5785